Journal of a banished Drow Part 6 - Sowing the seeds of Fate

News of mysterious occurrences and inexplicable phenomena began to spread throughout Morello. Whispers of hidden treasures and life-altering experiences echoed through the streets, drawing the attention of adventurers, scholars, and seekers of the extraordinary – one in particular, a forgetful old loon in service of the outcast council, seems to have taken a keen interest. The cards I had hidden were stirring the pot of fate, their influence seeping into the lives of those who discovered them.

I observed from the shadows as individuals drew cards, their expressions ranging from elation to despair. The kingdom was in the grip of an unpredictable force, and I reveled in the chaos I had unleashed. The web of destinies interwoven with my own danced in the moonlit night, a mesmerizing spectacle of chance and consequence.

However, I couldn't escape the gnawing doubt that lingered in the recesses of my mind. Was I merely a puppet, manipulated by the whims of the deck, or did I hold some semblance of control over the destinies I had touched? The answers remained elusive, hidden behind the enigmatic veil of the cards.

As I observed the unfolding drama, I couldn't help but wonder if the kingdom of Morello would emerge stronger or crumble under the weight of the deck's influence. The threads of fate were entangled, and only time would reveal the tapestry that awaited completion.

The townsfolks and simpletons continue to attribute these strange goings-on to the meddling of the Yama. I am torn between the comfort taken of being bathed alone in the light of illumination, or whether the satisfaction of their realizing they had been ensorcelled by one such as me would delight me more so.